Prisma Peremarket AS tegutseb Eestis alates 2000. aastast. Ketil on üle Eesti neliteist kauplust, mis pakuvad koos tugiüksusega tööd ligi 900 inimesele. Prisma on kõige laiema valiku ja ühe soodsaima ostukorviga poekett Eestis ning ePrisma suurima valikuga veebipood.
Prisma Peremarket kuulub kaubanduskontserni S-Grupp.
Prisma tegevus tugineb neljale põhiväärtusele:
- Oleme kliendi jaoks olemas
- Võtame vastutuse inimeste ja keskkonna ees
- Uuendame pidevalt oma tegevusi
- Töötame tulemuslikult
Ettevõte tegutseb missiooniga: koos loome elamiseks parema koha!
Eetilised põhimõtted
Prisma Peremarketis ja S-Grupis kokkulepitud eetilised põhimõtted:
1. The customer’s opinion is important for us
We are there for the customer. We develop our operations by listening to the customer. We are accountable for the products and services we sell to our customers and we help our customers solve any problems arising from such products or services. Customer satisfaction is our top priority.
2. We operate openly and with integrity
We keep the promises we make to each other, our customers and other stakeholders. We engage in open dialogue with both internal and external stakeholders. We communicate our operations transparently and openly.
3. We value and respect each other
We treat all people equally. We are polite and fair towards each other and do not discriminate against anyone. We value each other's work. We respect each other's individuality and the diversity of our work communities.
4. We compete in a fair way
We treat our partners equally and fairly. We follow good retail practices. We emphasise our own strengths, not our competitors' weaknesses. We collaborate with sector organisations and other associations in the development of our industry within the framework allowed by competition legislation.
5. We are incorruptible
We do not accept or give bribes or engage in any unethical agreements. Gifts of minimal value and hospitality inherently associated with our business operations are acceptable. We always act in the best interests of our company and do not let our personal or related party interests influence our decision-making.
6. We comply with good corporate governance
We adhere to good governance at all levels of our organisation. Our operating methods and governance are transparent. In our operations, we comply with good retail practices, the agreements we have signed and the operating guidelines we have accepted.
7. We respect human rights
We are committed to respecting all internationally recognised human rights and expect our partners to do the same.
8. We operate responsibly
We systematically develop the responsibility of our operations, while listening to our stakeholders. We seek partners whose operations are in harmony with our values and principles.
9. We take care of the environment
We identify and monitor the environmental impact of our operations. We work to prevent any adverse effects and to implement best practices in terms of the environment.
Read more about the ethical principles of operation of S Group, the parent company of Prisma, here.
To uphold ethical principles, S-Group has set up an anonymous whistleblowing channel, operated by the group’s partner WhistleB. The channel can be used to report any suspicion of breach of the established ethical principles in the company.