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Prisma Peremarket AS has been operating in Estonia since 2000. The chain has thirteen stores across Estonia, which, together with the support unit, employ nearly 900 people. Prisma offers the widest selection and one of the most affordable shopping baskets in Estonia, and ePrisma is the largest online store in Estonia in terms of product variety.

Prisma Peremarket is part of the retail group S-Grupp, which operates in the Finnish and Estonian markets and employs over 40,000 people.

Prisma operates based on four core values

  • We are there for the customer
  • We are responsible for people and the environment
  • We are constantly updating our activities
  • We work efficiently

Prisma Peremarket develops responsible business practices based on the S-Group's sustainability principles:

  • We use and develop energy-efficient solutions in stores and are transitioning our stores to green energy. Our goal is to achieve carbon neutrality in our operations by 2025.
  • We use environmentally-friendly refrigeration units powered by CO2.
  • We encourage suppliers to adopt reusable bulk packaging.
  • We offer a wide range of Estonian products, Fair Trade certified goods, and organic products.
  • We reduce food waste through refined forecasting and automatic ordering systems.
  • We offer a 30% discount on products with the closest expiration date at the start of the day, and a 60% discount starting from 8 PM, thus reducing food waste.
  • We continuously make donations to the Estonian Food Bank and support other food aid initiatives when possible.
  • We promote responsible consumption messages to our customers and have made these messages visible in our stores.
  • We support the development of the circular economy and provide our customers with easy ways to return used batteries, small electronics, packaging, and more.
  • We have been awarded the “Respecting Diversity” badge, recognizing our commitment to workplace diversity, granted by the Estonian Human Rights Centre.

S-Group's goal is to be a leader in sustainability within its sector

In 2020, S-Group set ambitious climate goals, aiming to reduce its climate emissions by 90% by 2030 compared to 2015 levels. By 2025, we plan to achieve carbon neutrality in our operations, meaning we will remove more carbon from the atmosphere than we emit.

Additionally, we encourage our partners to reduce their climate emissions by at least one million tons. Over one hundred partners are already participating in this initiative. S-Group was the first Finnish retail company to join the CDP Supply Chain program. This program enables companies supplying products or services to report their emission reductions collectively.

S-Group's climate actions are considered to be pioneering according to the international CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) assessment. In 2021, S-Group's climate actions received a rating of A- in the international CDP assessment.

Together, we make life better for our customers, employees, and Estonian society

S-Group's new sustainability program, „Best Place to Live“ reinforces our group's mission, with sustainability at its core. The program includes both long-term and short-term goals, and its guidelines are based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. As a major player, S-Group holds significant responsibility for the present we are creating and the legacy we leave for future generations. Therefore, we must look ahead, with our sustainability program extending to 2030. The goal of S-Group, and by extension Prisma, is that by the end of 2025, all cotton used in our private label and imported products will be responsibly sourced — whether organic, recycled, or obtained in accordance with Fair Trade or Better Cotton Initiative standards.

S-Grupi vastustustundlikkuse programm 2030


S-Group's sustainability program, "Best Place to Live," consists of four key areas:

  1. Society
  2. Environment - circular economy
  3. Ethical principles
  4. Human well-being

We encourage our customers to make healthy and sustainable choices. Our goal is that by 2030, at least 65% of the food we sell will be plant-based, and 80% locally sourced. We also aim to improve animal welfare, for example, by the end of 2026, we will stop selling eggs from caged hens.

Food plays a key role in promoting the health and well-being of both people and the environment, and as a retailer, we can influence people's diets. We want healthy eating to be accessible to everyone and believe that when sensible choices are made easy, they will be embraced.

The core idea of climate-friendly eating is that healthy diet also involves responsible behaviour from a climate perspective. When choosing food, factors such as availability, ease of preparation, and cost are also important. By the end of 2030, we aim for 65% of the food we sell to be plant-based. Through various initiatives, we encourage our customers to eat even healthier and more climate-friendly.

  • We promote sustainability, health and well-being
  • We encourage plant-forward diet
  • We prioritize local products

Sustainable growth

We consider the impact on nature and climate in our choices. Our decisions help preserve diverse ecosystems and species. S-Group has set an ambitious target of achieving near-zero emissions across its value chain, with a net reduction in emissions by 2050. By 2025, S-Group will be sequestering more carbon from the atmosphere than it emits.

We promote the efficient use of raw materials and resources in line with circular economy principles, focusing on waste recycling, waste management, and consumer-oriented solutions. We continuously identify new circular economy business models to recycle valuable raw materials and resources even more effectively and for longer periods. By 2030, we aim to reduce food waste by half.

At S-Group, the biodiversity framework includes promoting sustainable consumption, minimizing impacts and emissions, and strengthening conservation measures. Our goal is to safeguard biodiversity within our operations and throughout the entire value chain. By working together, we can impact the sustainable use of land and forests, protect water ecosystems and their biodiversity, and encourage sustainable diets.

  • Carbon neutrality by 2025
  • Striving for a circular economy
  • Strengthening biodiversity

Equal world

For us, all people are equally important. We also ensure that both our own employees and those of our partners are treated fairly. S-Group has long been working to ensure responsible sourcing. Our sourcing operations are guided by the principle of non-discrimination, product-specific quality requirements, and the obligation to respect human and labour rights, especially for purchases from high-risk countries.

When sourcing our private label products, we ensure responsibility and product safety throughout the entire process. Our sourcing contracts require raw material suppliers and manufacturers to comply with legal and collective agreement requirements, human rights, and international labour standards.

It is important for us to provide customers with transparent and convenient information about product origins. For this reason, our private label food products (Coop, Rainbow, Kotimaista, and X-tra) display information about both the country of origin and the country of origin of the main raw materials on their packaging. Information about the country of production is also included on packaging or care instructions for our private label non-food products, such as home textiles and clothing.

S-Group has been a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 2011 and promotes the use of RSPO-certified palm oil in private label everyday consumer goods. Whenever possible, we substitute palm oil with alternative ingredients. Additionally, we only use sustainably and responsibly sourced coffee, tea, and cocoa in our private label products. We are also committed to ensuring that soy sourced from high-risk countries and used in our private label products is certified.

S-Group has committed to gradually transitioning to using only responsibly produced cotton in private label and imported products. This also applies to all private label clothing and home textiles sold at Prisma.

  • We promote human rights
  • 100% of key ingredients in food products are audited
  • We increase openness and transparency – displaying product origin and sustainability information
  • A united, non-discriminatory, and diverse S-Group
  • We foster an inclusive society

You can learn more about S-Group’s sustainability topics and sustainability report here.

Code of Ethics of Prisma Peremarket

Ethical principles at Prisma Peremarket and S-Grupp:

1. The customer’s opinion is important for us

We are there for the customer. We develop our operations by listening to the customer. We are accountable for the products and services we sell to our customers and we help our customers solve any problems arising from such products or services. Customer satisfaction is our top priority.

2. We operate openly and with integrity

We keep the promises we make to each other, our customers and other stakeholders. We engage in open dialogue with both internal and external stakeholders. We communicate our operations transparently and openly.

3. We value and respect each other

We treat all people equally. We are polite and fair towards each other and do not discriminate against anyone. We value each other's work. We respect each other's individuality and the diversity of our work communities.

4. We compete in a fair way

We treat our partners equally and fairly. We follow good retail practices. We emphasise our own strengths, not our competitors' weaknesses. We collaborate with sector organisations and other associations in the development of our industry within the framework allowed by competition legislation.

5. We are incorruptible

We do not accept or give bribes or engage in any unethical agreements. Gifts of minimal value and hospitality inherently associated with our business operations are acceptable. We always act in the best interests of our company and do not let our personal or related party interests influence our decision-making.

6. We comply with good corporate governance

We adhere to good governance at all levels of our organisation. Our operating methods and governance are transparent. In our operations, we comply with good retail practices, the agreements we have signed and the operating guidelines we have accepted.

7. We respect human rights

We are committed to respecting all internationally recognised human rights and expect our partners to do the same.

8. We operate responsibly

We systematically develop the responsibility of our operations, while listening to our stakeholders. We seek partners whose operations are in harmony with our values and principles.

9. We take care of the environment

We identify and monitor the environmental impact of our operations. We work to prevent any adverse effects and to implement best practices in terms of the environment.

Read more about the ethical principles of operation of S Group, the parent company of Prisma, here.

To uphold ethical principles, S-Group has set up an anonymous whistleblowing channel, operated by the group’s partner WhistleB. The channel can be used to report any suspicion of breach of the established ethical principles in the company.