Fifteen years ago, when we embraced country living, the very first thing to claim a spot in our garden was—drumroll, please!—a compost heap. As we cleared land, built beds, and tackled endless mowing, we found ourselves with mountains of plant material. Tossing it aside, burying it, or—worst of all—throwing it in the trash simply wasn’t an option. Add in our daily kitchen scraps, and our composting journey began.
Our garden simply wouldn’t be the same without this “food source.” Each spring, we haul loads of rich, nutritious compost to garden beds, berry bushes, and fruit trees. It significantly improves the quality of our sandy soil and delivers an abundance of essential nutrients to our plants.
It’s nothing short of magic how fallen leaves, grass clippings, plant tops, fruit and vegetable peels, and other plant-based kitchen scraps can turn into crumbly, nutrient-rich soil in just a year or two!