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Prisma has the cheapest shopping cart for the 30th time

The price survey by Postimees, published on 5 March, yet again confirmed that Prisma offers the best selection at the cheapest price. This is the 30th time that Prisma has won the title of cheapest shopping cart.

Prisma's offer for a kilo of cottage cheese, for example, was significantly more affordable than that of other market participants. Also, Prisma has the best price for home-style minced meat. In many food categories, Prisma's price level was equal to or close to the cheapest level on the market.

PM 30x hinnauuringute tabel 06.03 eng

While Prisma was able to put together a family shopping cart for 59.57 euros, the second-place cart was 1.29 euros more expensive, and the price of the most expensive cart was 7.23 euros higher.

PM 30x hinnauuringute tulpdiagramm 06.03 eng